2 Months

Baby Girl is 2 months! Phew, what a whirlwind.

  • Sleeps incredibly well. At 6 weeks I was given the go ahead for letting her sleep for however long she wanted to at night. She consistently sleeps from about 9ish pm to 7ish am. It’s kind of a dream, and I know it won’t last, but I’ll take it!

  • Truly hates the car. Instant way to make her cry.
  • Started smiling at me very early on. At her 2 month check up, the doctor asked if she had started laughing yet. I hadn’t been paying attention to that, so now the whole family has been working extra hard to try to get her to laugh. And we recently discovered she has a cute little dimple in her left check!
  • She started sleeping in her own room at about 7ish weeks. In our new house, the master is on the main floor and Emmy’s room is right above us. Since she sleeps through the night, I haven’t had to do the trooping upstairs in the middle of the night, though I’m sure that will come soon.
  • She has really started fighting naps. She will do one solid nap a day where she will go 3 hours between eating and sleep the whole time, but that’s basically it. Hoping it is just a growth spurt.
  • Emmy will not snuggle in the moby baby carrier. She will fight it and likes to rear her head back so she can continue to look around.
  • Is very strong with her tummy time! She can hold her head up really well! And she has rolled over many times, though some of it may be because she gets tired so her heavy head pulls her down so she rolls over.
  • When she cries, she squeaks. It actually has scared some people thinking that she was aspirating. She has done it from the very beginning, though.
  • For Halloween Emmy wore a pumpkin costume. It is a 9 month outfit, and I remembered last minute that she could wear it, so we rolled the sleeves and legs, but it was still massive.
  • Miss Emmy can belch like no other. She has huge burps, and the other kids crack up when she does it.
  • All the kids fight over who gets to hold her and love her so much! We agree.
  • And a random bit about Reed because it is really funny and needs to be remembered. The boys are doing virtual school right now because of the pandemic. For the most part, they don’t complain too much. They are able to finish it fairly quickly. Reed really hates doing his english class, though. It is a struggle to get him to sit down and do it. One day he declared, “ELA is my arch nemesis!” We really got a kick out of his word choice in describing his feelings towards his least favorite class.

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