Kenny Update

I realized that I forgot one of Kenny’s sabotage tactics that happened a couple of weeks ago (Future Kenny: and I wasn’t going to document it for future embarrassing stories, but I just underwent an epic 2 hour battle with you today over sleep. You can thank your 3-year-old self when I tell this at your wedding).

Typically during lunch time, I fix the kids’ food, and then make mine while they’re eating theirs. By the time they finish, I usually have just sat down to eat. So typically they go upstairs to the play room and play. Then they come downstairs, and we do nap time. One day after nap time, we went upstairs and found this-


As you can see, Kenny hit the heat button, so it got up to 98 degrees upstairs. (This was after I changed the “system” back to cool.)

Thankfully, this happened the day in between the appraisal and the inspection and not on the day that either of those happened. Phew.

Again, sure felt like sabotage.

For Real 18 Month Update

Okay, here’s the for real post for Reed.

What a little sweetie. He is so mellow and easy-going. He makes putting a toddler to sleep dreamy. When I put him to bed at night, he snuggles up to me and cuddles. When I put him in his crib after books and songs, he turns over to his tummy, sticks his little tush in the air, and waits for me to put his blanket on him. I then tell him I love him, and most of the time he goes right to sleep. No crying, talking, or playing. When he gets up in the morning, he gently starts talking. Again, usually doesn’t cry. Complete content boy to just sit and entertain himself.

Also, he is blonde blonde. Like platinum blonde. With little curls above his ears and the back of his head. I have so many people random people stop and comment to me how blonde he is. It definitely wasn’t blonde when he was a baby, but it has really lightened up. I think it is adorable.

Things he is loving lately:

  • Cheese.Don’t even say the word unless you are willing to give him 10 slices
  • Trucks, trains, cars. He loves them all. he recently discovered the trains we have, and he loves to play with them for hours at a time.
  • To do anything Kenny does. He loves to imitate and copy whatever Kenny does and it is (usually) adorable.
  • Books. Especially any with cats or dogs
  • Milk or water. He calls his sippy cup his “ba ba”
  • His blanky. He loves to pull it to his face and say “sah sah” aka soft
  • When daddy gets home from work. He goes running and says “Dada!”
  • To make sure all things are shut. If you leave the ketchup/syrup lid open he will say “shu shu shu” over and over until you shut the lid.
  • To get his shoes so he can go outside. “sho sho sho!” aka shoes
  • Pushing his ride-on cars around outside. He loves to play race with Kenny and yell “GO!!!!”

Things he does not like:

  • Television
  • Coloring
  • When Kenny watches TV (aka stops paying attention to him)
  • Being put into the car

Getting their Summer Reading medals. Reed was thrilled. ;)



Standing in Daddy’s Boots


Lunch time with the big bro


Kisses for Mama


I have the same picture of Kenny looking at this picture, too


Hanging with family


Chillin on his chair outside


Spying on construction trucks


Mother’s Day 2016


You can kinda see his wispy blonde curls


Playing at the splash pad


Playing in the sprinklers in the backyard


Eating (or smearing on his face) chocolate pudding

We love this little boy and the joy he brings to our lives.

18 Month Update

So, you got me. Reed is actually just turning 17 months, but hey… he spent his first day in nursery today and that’s the biggest milestone of 18 months anyway, right? (He spent his first day in nursery today to help “transition him”.) Also, next month we will be in the midst of moving, so I know that this blog post won’t happen.

Oh and hey, we’re moving. Not very far. Just 45 minutes up north. We will be changing wards, though. But we will still be in the same stake, which is good news. Everyone in our current ward is upset with Ken that we are moving. It is the running joke that the bishop and YW president is going to sabotage the move so that we end up having to stay. I love that Ken gets the blame for the move, though. Better him than me. ;)

Speaking of sabotage, I feel like I need to document what Kenny did within the last 3 months. I think he was in cahoots with the Bishop and YW president because it truly felt like he was trying to sabotage the move (or do everything he could to make me go insane so that we needed to stay in our current home).

This was in the midst of when Ken had to do his 6 week training in Alabama (plus one week in Japan), so I was by myself with the boys. I think it was Kenny’s way of “acting out” and expressing his dislike with his dad being gone for so long. Here is the list: (to be used for future embarrassing stories such as his wedding speech.)

  1. He was playing at the church with friends while I was helping with a YW activity. Snuck outside. Ate snake berries from the bush. Had to call poison control and monitor symptoms for the rest of the day.
  2. (Very next day) Locked Reed, himself, and me in the bedroom on the second floor. (Who knew that the lock was on the outside of the door?! why?!) Had to call friend to drive over, break into the house, and unlock the door for us.
  3. (4 days after previous incident) Managed to sneak into the cupboard, grab the “kid-proof” jar of vitamins, hide upstairs, and eat who knows how many vitamins. (20? at least). Had to call poison control and monitor symptoms again. Poison control is now in saved contacts.

As we were doing projects and prepping to list the house for sale, the following occurred (mind you, still within small time frame):

  1. Took 10 oz. water bottle filled with cherry kool-aid and proceeded to paint his carpet with the red devil drink. (Seriously. Not just a spill in one area. Squirts all over the room.) I did not see it for 3 hours (we had left the house), so it soaked, set, and completely stained his white/cream carpet. Scrubbed it for 5 hours. Still red designs throughout carpet.


^^^Does not show full extent. Cannot muster strength to find better pictures and relive the terribleness again.

2. Left hose on for undetermined amount of time. At least 48 hours. Soaked crawl space.

3. Broke bookshelf (?), crashed it into the wall, damaged wall.


Hopefully these little… surprises diminish a bit. Nothing like this has happened for a while now and hopefully it stays that way. (knock on wood)

And since this post has nothing to do with Reed, we will end with pictures of Kenny, and I will write another post just for little Mr. Reed.


^^^For a while there, it seemed like this was the only time he wasn’t getting into trouble. ;)


^^^Managed to find all of these worms after a rainstorm. Came running inside with this handful and said, “Mom! Look what I found!” After shoving them in my face.


^^^And wearing his dad’s boots.


^^^Completed his swim lessons. Very proud that he overcame some of his fears around the water.

Oh, and a sweet note to end on about Kenny. Kenny decided that he wanted to bear his testimony last week. So we talked about it during Family Home Evening. He then said he wanted to bear his testimony in nursery. So today in nursery, during snack time, he stood up and said, “I know that Jesus loves me. And I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

Love this little mischievous handful. Witnessing sweet moments like this definitely makes it all worth it.